hyperiax.mcmc package
hyperiax.mcmc.fixedparameter module
- class hyperiax.mcmc.fixedparameter.FixedParameter(value)
A parameter that is constant regardless of updates. The parameter always have the value passed in the constructor
- log_prior()
Logarithm of the prior probability of the parameter
- Returns:
as the parameter is fixed
- propose(key)
Propose a new value for the parameter
- Parameters:
key – A key to sample with
- Returns:
Copy of the parameter
- update(value, accepted)
Update the parameter. Does nothing as the parameter is fixed, i.e. the new value is discarded
- Parameters:
value – The new value to update the parameter with
accepted – Whether the new value was accepted
hyperiax.mcmc.metropolis_hastings module
- hyperiax.mcmc.metropolis_hastings.metropolis_hastings(log_target, proposal, data, init, num_samples, burn_in=0, thin=1, rng_key=None, savef=<function <lambda>>)
MCMC using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
- Parameters:
log_target – Function returning the logarithm of the target distribution
proposal – Function returning a sample from the proposal distribution
data – Observed data
init – Initial state
num_samples – Number of samples to draw
burn_in (
) – Number of samples to discard at the beginningthin (
) – Thinning raterng_key – Random number generator key
savef – Function to save the state
- Returns:
List of log likelihoods and samples
hyperiax.mcmc.parameter module
- class hyperiax.mcmc.parameter.Parameter(value)
Base class for a parameter in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation.
- abstract log_prior()
Logarithm of the prior probability of the parameter.
- Returns:
The logarithm of the prior probability of the parameter.
- abstract propose(key) Parameter
Propose a new parameter given a key
- Parameters:
key – the key to generate the parameter with
- Returns:
A new parameter proposal
- abstract update(value, accepted=True)
Update the value of the parameter, if accepted.
value: The new value of the parameter. accepted: Whether the new value is accepted. Default true.
hyperiax.mcmc.parameterstore module
- class hyperiax.mcmc.parameterstore.ParameterStore(params: Dict[str, Parameter])
The parameter store hosts a set of parameters.
- log_prior()
Logarithm of the prior probability of the parameters.
- Returns:
The logarithm of the prior probability of the parameters.
- propose(key) ParameterStore
Propose a new parameter store, containing newly sampled parameters.
- Parameters:
key – A key to sample with.
- Returns:
The newly sampled parameter store.
- values()
Gets the values of the parameters in the store
- Returns:
The parameters in a dictionary.
hyperiax.mcmc.plotting module
hyperiax.mcmc.varianceParameter module
- class hyperiax.mcmc.varianceParameter.VarianceParameter(value, alpha=3.0, beta=2.0, proposal_var=0.01, keep_constant=False, max=None)
- log_prior()
Logarithm of the prior probability of the parameter
- Returns:
The logarithm of the prior probability of the parameter
- propose(key)
Propose a new value for the parameter
- Parameters:
key – A key to sample with
- Returns:
The newly proposed parameter
- update(value, accepted)
Update the parameter with a new value
- Parameters:
value – The new value to update the parameter with
accepted – Whether the new value was accepted.
- hyperiax.mcmc.varianceParameter.inverse_gamma_logpdf(x, alpha, beta)
Log PDF of the inverse gamma distribution
- Parameters:
x – The value to evaluate the PDF at
alpha – The alpha parameter of the inverse gamma distribution
beta – The beta parameter of the inverse gamma distribution
- Returns:
The logarithm of the PDF of the inverse gamma distribution at x