Welcome to Hyperiax’s documentation!
Hyperiax is a framework for tree traversal and computations on large-scale tree. Its primary purpose is to facilitate efficient message passing and operation execution on large trees. Hyperiax uses JAX for fast execution and automatic differentiation. Hyperiax is developed and maintained by CCEM, UCPH.
Initially, Hyperiax was designed specifically for phylogenetic analysis of biological shape data, particularly enabling statistical inference with continuous time stochastic processes along the edges of the trees. For this purpose, is integrated with JAXGeometry, a computational differential geometry toolbox implemented in JAX. However, Hyperiax’s messaging system and operations are general, which means that they can be easily adapted for use in other contexts. With minor modifications, Hyperiax can be used for any application where fast tree-level computations are necessary. Included examples cover such cases with inference in Gaussian graphical models, phylogenetic mean computation, and recursive shape matching in binary trees.
# Install Hyperiax directly using pip
$ pip install hyperiax
# Install Hyperiax from the repository, for the newest version
$ pip install git+https://github.com/ComputationalEvolutionaryMorphometry/hyperiax.git
# Install Hyperiax for development
$ git clone git@github.com:ComputationalEvolutionaryMorphometry/hyperiax.git
# or (if you haven't set up ssh)
$ git clone https://github.com/ComputationalEvolutionaryMorphometry/hyperiax.git
# and then install by
$ pip install -e hyperiax[dev]
# and optionally
$ pip install -e hyperiax[examples]
# to install the dependencies for all the example notebooks
Check out the Usage section for further information
This project is under active development.